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What you DON'T want to HEAR

Ep. 25 Modern America's politics with guest: Kit Allen Howell 8-23-2019

August 23, 2019

Hour 1:

With Melissa out in Colorado, Carlos has a guest step in. Kit Howell a professor at Millersville University in Pennsylvania and Part-Time truck driver joins the show. Although their upbringings are similar in values their thoughts are different and conclusions differ on a lot of things.

Today they discuss the uniformity of discussion in college campuses and elsewhere. Politicians have turned political discussions in to popularity contests. What is the problem with a big government and is it always necessary? Why do so many kids seem to get a poorer quality of education? Is it due to the government or something else entirely?

Kit says if the quality of education was better kids could excel, yet in Carlos' experience people didn't want you to get ahead if you were smarter. Do we need better trained teachers to help this? Monopoly, the board game was made to warn people about Monopolies. Does this only occur in a Capitalist society or is this not "true capitalism?" Is having no authority the way to go?

Hour 2:
Have we ever had true capitalism or socialism? There are ways for everyone to be able to have a good standard of living.
George Carlin was a genius and those who haven't heard the clip talked about should hear it.
Teaching values is the way to ensure a better society.

Also, words have power. Are microaggressions always real or do some people make them up. Both Carlos and Kit talk about the intentions behind words rather than the words themselves. Language has power, so we should all be using it to discuss ideas, not stop them.