What's Your Theory?

What's Your Theory?

Latest Episodes

Is Climate Change an evolutionary tool?
September 12, 2017

Why do Traditional, Modern, and Post-Modern mindsets see climate change differently? Why doesn’t science settle the issue? And what’s it going to cost us if we can’t get on the same page? Jeff Salzman of the Daily Evolver podcast stops in for another i...

The Bright Side of the Trump Apocalypse
September 06, 2017

President Donald J. Trump. Those words bring out a lot of emotions all the way across our political and emotional spectrums. Some liberals view them as Apocalyptic. Some conservatives think they are going to Make America Great Again.

Integral Theory
August 30, 2017

Human consciousness is in an ongoing developmental process that began millions of years ago. The biggest steps, the ones that move us from one level to the next represent major shifts from old paradigms to new.
