What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood

What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood

Episode 49- Let’s Not Care About What We Weigh

April 18, 2018

We won’t lie to you- we probably spend more time than we should thinking about what we weigh. Which is, admittedly, variable. But while we think about what we weigh plenty when we’re unhappy with what the scale says, we spend even more of our bandwidth on it in order to get to the number we have decided is arbitrarily acceptable (and then fight a losing battle to stay there).
Something’s not right about that. But we suspect we aren’t alone— especially among mothers, who have seen our bodies change forever with pregnancy and childbirth, and then never quite change back.
What if we didn’t care? Okay: what if we cared just a little bit less? In this episode we talk about feeling good, and looking good, and how to maybe put a little bit of daylight between the two.
Here’s links to some things discussed in this episode:
back when Margaret was a runner, she ran without music. These Boston Marathoners have differing ideas about whether or not to run with your phone:
Rebecca Harrington for The Cut: My Magical Week of Working Out With Jane Fonda
from the “you have to see it for yourself to believe it” department: Angela Lansbury’s “Positive Moves: My Personal Plan for Fitness and Well-Being”
This week’s sponsor, FlavaNaturals, is that perfect combination of good and good-for-you.
You might have heard of the studies proving that flavanols, the phytonutrients found only in the cocoa bean, support brain function, heart health, and overall wellness. Consumption of cocoa flavanols has been shown to improve blood vessel function, thereby improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.  But to match the flavanols actually used in those studies, you’d have to eat at least five typical dark chocolate bars per day— which, as Margaret points out, would be on the one hand delicious but might cause a few other problems. 
FlavaNaturals cocoa powder and chocolate bars are made from all-natural ingredients. Each serving contains 5 to 9 times the flavanols found in other dark chocolate. And just as importantly, FlavaNaturals taste amazing.  Amy’s favorite way to #havaflava is some cocoa powder in her morning coffee. Margaret enjoys a dark chocolate FlavaBar for some guilt-free sweet-tooth satisfaction. It’s chocolate that makes you more healthy. What else is there to say?
Go to FlavaNaturals.com today to learn more about flavanols, and get 20% off your order by entering the discount code FRESH. 
Chocolate was your weakness. With FlavaNaturals, it’s your strength!