What Say Ye?

What Say Ye?

017: Mindy Gledhill discusses career changes

January 16, 2017

Mindy Gledhill is a master of dabbling. (No, not dabbing — that we know of.)

The Provo musician's recording career has taken a number of turns since the early 2000s, when she started as a faith-based singer-songwriter. Transitioning from Christian to contemporary music, and pursuing collaborations with musicians from all types of genres, has served her well.

On the newest "What Say Ye?" episode we sat down with Gledhill in her Provo studio to discuss her myriad artistic and professional forays. How does Gledhill stay productive with all the ideas she wants to pursue?

"I always think my failed ideas ... the money and time that goes into them are tuition for an education," she said. "They never really go to waste, because you learn a lot."