AromaThrive with Lisa

AromaThrive with Lisa

“Shift and Shine” to Transform Stress

December 12, 2019

The holidays are sneaking up, and extreme emotions sneak up on us, too, this time of year. In this episode, I speak with my friend, author Deborah Richards, who offers insights for shining thru the holidays even if they bring up memories that can feel overwhelming. In her book, Shift & Shine, Deb details how she survived the death of her husband who committed suicide, and how her belief that they will be together again in the afterlife warms her heart. She also speaks of struggles with two of her children who went thru addiction and recovery. She is blessed this holiday that both daughters are living sober. Deb shares a five minute morning ritual that enables her to Shift & Shine throughout her day. You can find her book on Amazon. In this podcast we recommend the essential oil of Frankincense to enhance your listening experience. It's an earthy aroma that can inspire feelings of higher consciousness, and reflection. Order your Frankincense and other essential oils at