Wellness in China

Wellness in China

Building a Brawler EP8: Moving Forward

November 21, 2016

Man, I can’t believe it’s Week 8 already! Time seems to be flying by.
I think this is probably a normal phenomenon when you have a challenge waiting for you on the horizon, for which a great deal of preparation is required. Your mind is thinking about all the things that need to be improved, and the degree of improvement required, before you put yourself to the test.

Of course, there is no end to improvement, so it will always seem there are more things to do than time in which to do it, hence, the feeling of time being accelerated.
Anyways, training progresses in all areas, and the intensity increases each week, with more fight simulation, sparring, etc. As a result everyone is left to pursue any cardiovascular training they want to do on their own.

Even though it can sometimes be hard to discern the little voice in you’re head from the truth of the matter, I try to ‘listen’ to my body on the days in between sessions at Golden Gloves. If I’m really sore and feeling a little run down, I may take it off entirely. If I’m feeling pretty fresh, I’ll do something light for active recovery, or even something more intense which is intended to enhance endurance etc.
The mentality during training certainly is becoming more important as we get closer to fight night. Some training sessions, you feel good, you notice improvement, your confidence grows, others, you feel the opposite, perhaps you’re sparring partner got the better of you, and it can wane. Developing a healthy perspective on this process, and planning for the ups and downs, seems to be key in making progress.

All other areas are still tight and on point. Clean diet, effective recovery, balance between exertion and rest, and the usual things I’m doing to make sure I’m at my BEST come fight night.
Starting to feel the excitement for the fight, let’s go!
Sponsor in Focus: Yummy Avocados

So I eat a lot of avocados, like at least one a day, often times 2, and I recommend them to almost everyone looking to improve their diet. Why? Well, that could get lengthy, so I’ll just say that they are loaded with Vitamins, Minerals, Phytonutrients, Antioxidants, Fiber, and (Healthy) Monounsaturated Fats. As a result, Avocados can be a good way to:
– Improve Cardiovascular Health
– Improve Blood Lipid Profiles
– Improve Digestion
– Lower Inflammation
– Increase Nutrient Absorption
You get the picture.
I used to buy them at the corner fruit shop, and even though they would feel alright when given a squeeze, I’d say 30% of the time some or all of the inside was rotten. Pretty annoying given the price you have to pay in Shanghai for the damn things.

I was introduced to Yummy Avocados in the summer and became a customer immediately. Basically they import Avocados and sell them by the box load (which you can split with a friend depending on your ‘habit’). No more checking the corner shop every couple of days, I could now have a fridge full of avocados, and they were all perfect!
During intense training, of course my dietary needs go up, so I was stoked when Yummy said they’d hook me up with some extra cados during the training period.
If you’re an avocado hog like me, it’s worth checking them out.
Thanks guys!