Wellness in China

Wellness in China

Building a Brawler EP4: Back in Action!

October 17, 2016

The holidays are over and it’s back to the regular training schedule! I’m feeling recovered and strong! This week there was a lot more contact drilling, and it was nice to start getting hit a bit. Gonna have to get used to it sooner or later, so might as well get started!
In this episode I cover the progress over the last week as usual, and the areas I’ve identified for improvement. I’m still working on optimizing recovery time, specifically by hacking my sleep to deal with the workouts later in the evening.
I also speak about getting hit more, and the kind of shift in mentality I feel is required to continue learning without getting demotivated by getting hit/beat. This week I thought a lot more about the unintended positive consequences of committing to this challenge, and though I knew there would be several, I think even I may have underestimated this component, which is awesome.
Finally, I talk a little about the strong feeling of gratitude I experienced this week. Right as I got in bed and was about to sleep, I just felt so lucky to be able to participate in a challenge like this, to have the health (and the time) to do so, that such an event/challenge existed, that so many other positive people are involved, all the positive interactions I’ve had with them, and much more. Too much to write here, so check out the episode!
This episode is brought to you by Gre3n Coconut Water and Coconut Oil. Visit their WeChat store and use the promo code ‘buildingabrawler’ and receive a 25% discount on your order!! Thanks Gre3n!
Website / WeChat
www.saucepan.co / saucepan
www.farmhousejuice.cn / farmhousejuice
http://weidian.com/?userid=338255308 (Everlast China Online Shop)
www.gogre3n.com / gogre3n
www.gutsxglory.com / gutsxglory
Yummy Avocados WeChat: Y15618935663
www.ienstore.com / ImportedExerciseNutrition
www.floatasian.cn / piaofudao
www.wellnessinchina.com / HungryFoolish
Feel free to send feedback, suggestions or anything else to natural@wellnessinchina.com