Wellness in China

Wellness in China

Building a Brawler EP2: Adaptation

October 04, 2016

In the second episode in the series, John talks about the challenges of adapting to the rigorous workout schedule, how he recovers from the sessions, and a how he is trying to be patient with his fitness and with the technique, so he doesn’t rush it and invite injury or miss important technique fundamentals.
Website / WeChat
www.saucepan.co / saucepan
www.farmhousejuice.cn / farmhousejuice
www.gogre3n.com / gogre3n
www.gutsxglory.com / gutsxglory
Yummy Avocados WeChat: Y15618935663
www.ienstore.com / ImportedExerciseNutrition
www.wellnessinchina.com / HungryFoolish
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