Wellness in China

Wellness in China

Selfie-Cast 1: Testing! w/ John Vallis of Wellness in China

August 28, 2016

Welcome to the first ‘Selfie-Cast’!

We’ve gotten lots of great feedback from our listeners about some of the specific (and fun) questions we ask our guests at the end of each show, so this shorter-form content, which we are calling ‘Selfie-Casts’ (though I also refer to it as a ’Selfie-sode’ in the show) is an attempt to bring you more of them!

Instead of an interview, these episodes will be more like monologues, where guests will read the questions themselves, and provide their answer directly to you! We’ll still be connecting with the top entrepreneurs, practitioners, KOL’s and investors in the industry, but now we’ll be going straight for the good stuff!

Hopefully this means we can all learn more about the specific practices, habits and mindsets that are responsible for the actions these people take, and the things they achieve, while also gaining some unique and targeted insight into the segment of the wellness market in China that they are operating in.

Now for the bad news. I’m the first Guinea Pig!

I wanted to provide an example so that future guests could easily understand what we are looking to capture here, and that means I had to step up to the plate first.

I can’t promise any great insights or observations, but I try to answer the questions as honestly as possible, regardless of how revealing of my shortcomings they may be.

Anyways, it’s out there now, so let us know what you think! And feel free to suggest interesting questions for future episodes!


