Wellness in China

Wellness in China

Fionn Wright of The Living Room by Octave

March 28, 2016

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Wellness in China Podcast. Joining me today on the show is Mr. Fionn Wright. Fionn and I have had a number of great chats ‘off-air’, so I thought it was only right to mic him up for an episode of the podcast. I’m not quite sure how to introduce Fionn. He has been called everything from a “health and wellness coach” to a “Dream Designer”. For his part, he’s not keen on labels, and according to him, he simply uses the experiences he’s had in life, and the things that he has learned along the way, to help people. Pretty simple right? What I failed to mention, was that Fionn is only 25 years of age. How much can you learn and experience in 25years of life? It turns out quite a lot, and Fionn discusses with me how he has applied what he has learned to help his clients in many areas of their lives. Another reason I wanted to speak with Fionn was to discuss with him how he approached getting involved in the health and wellness industry in China. Over the coming years, many young people from around the world will be coming to China to take part in this industry, and Fionn had some great first-hand advice about not only how to get involved, but how to cultivate the right attitude for SUCCESS in this market. As has become the norm in our conversations, we take a brief excursion down a few rabbit holes, to indulge our curiosity, throw some ideas back and forth, and hopefully put forward some novel or interesting thoughts and ways of thinking. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Fionn, though young, is a husband and father of two beautiful children, and he shares with me how he balances living in a crazy city and working in booming industry with a leading organization, while managing his responsibilities as a supportive father and a loving husband. We cover lots more in this episode, and as always, I thoroughly enjoyed our discussion, hopefully you will too. So without further ado, my conversation with Mr. Fionn Wright.

