Empire By Design with Katie Wyatt (previously The Wellness Entrepreneur)

Empire By Design with Katie Wyatt (previously The Wellness Entrepreneur)

058 – Million Dollar Subscription Box Secrets with Peta Shulman of Goodness Me Box

October 10, 2016

Today on the podcast I welcomed Peta Shulman, young and thriving entrepreneur behind the success of the Goodness Me Box, a healthy sampling subscription box business. Reaching a million dollars revenue in its first year, this girl and her boxes are on the rise!
We chat about

* How a career in PR lead Peta into creating one of Australia’s first ‘Sampling Box’ Businesses
* Peta shares how important it is to get your ‘elevator pitch right and why she only had a 3-month window to make or break
* What is Peta’s routine morning look like?
* Get Peta’s advice on who should be your very first hire when launching a subscription site
* Peta shares a valuable lesson learnt if your website traffic grows much quicker than expected
* Should you build your social networks before launching your new business? Peta shares her answer
* Learn Peta’s best marketing strategy
* Is there room in the marketplace for more sampling box businesses? Peta gives her take on this
* You’ll discover how Peta gets uplifted when having a bad day?

“Do convincing at the start then eventually brands will approach you”

“Referrals from your customers is really important and genuine”

“People are looking for convenience delivered right to your door, designed to make everything easy it’s the surprise and delight factor”

“Having the right people around you”
Starting a new career in PR, specialising in the health and wellness industry was when the world of health and wellness opened up to Peta. She spoke to hundreds of health practitioners, attended conferences, learned about the latest health foods, supplements, and got schooled up on prevention and how stress plays a CRUCIAL role in how we feel and our long-term health.

Peta created GoodnessMe Box because natural, wholesome foods helped her take control of her own health and wellness!


Peta’s favourite food quote

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

Email: hello@goodnessmebox.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoodnessMeBox

Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/GoodnessMeBox/

Twitter: @GoodnessMeBox

Recipes what’s going on Instagram @goodnessmebox

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