Welcome To My Show

Welcome To My Show

62 - A Whole Egg

September 09, 2019

GUYS MY LIFE IS DIFFERENT. I will use this new boyfriend for good and not evil. Listen to me talk about my life for way too long, all while suffering through subpar audio as I drive to my parents' house in the rain and scream about how exciting everything is. Plus, hear about new reddit page I'm obsessed with and you can be too! OK GOTTA GO WATCH GARBAGE TV AND EAT VEGAN CHEESE WITH MY SUPER COOL MAN

Please join me in listening to this week's Feature Creature: Cinemondo Podcast! go to https://www.cinemondopodcast.com/

ALSO celebrate good times with me by checking out the glorious misfits of the Civilized Creatures Podcast Network!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/civilizedcreatures/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CivilizedEnt
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/civilizedcreatures/
SHOP: https://ws-na.assoc-amazon.com/widgets/cm?o=1&p=12&l=ur1&category=amazonhomepage&f=ifr&lc=pf4&linkID=86bee521038f8c8bb62629557910cc65&t=civilizedcrea-20&tracking_id=civilizedcrea-20

Get your FREE Audible 30 Day trial at www.audibletrial.com/garbage
Might I suggest you use this trial to download The Disaster Artist by Greg Sestero

Cullah Music! cullah.com/wp/

NEW! Visit bit.ly/WelcomeToMyShop to gift yourself some trash and help support this bad show!

ALSO: Patreon patrons will now get exclusive videos of every segment of Garbage Kitchen. Now you can WATCH my reactions rather than just listening. OH BOY!

If you have bad date stories or any other stories or want to hear me talk about something or ask a question or want to tell me how much you hate me, email me at WelcomeToMyShowPodcast@gmail.com!

Pod Links
iTunes: bit.ly/itunesWTMS
Google: bit.ly/GoogleWTMS
SoundCloud: bit.ly/scWTMS
PodCoin: bit.ly/WTMSpodcoin
Stitcher: bit.ly/WTMSstitcher
Castbox: bit.ly/WTMScastbox
TuneIn: bit.ly/WTMStunein
PocketCasts: bit.ly/WTMSpocketcast
Overcast: bit.ly/WTMSovercast
Acast: bit.ly/WTMSacast
Blubrry: bit.ly/WTMSblubrry
Listen Notes: bit.ly/WTMSlistennotes

GO TO welcometomyshow.pizza

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Email me at Welcometomyshowpodcast@gmail.com