We Hate People

We Hate People

We Hate People Episode 1: The Ten Pound Bag of Waste

March 03, 2015

The pilot went well enough that we've decided to inflict an actual first episode on you.

The Show Notes

- Thank you's for the feedback on Episode 0
- We need you for a new segment: get a hate off your chest
- The Katering Show (link)
- DressGate (link)
- Vale Leonard Nimoy and Shatner cops flak (link)
- Deadpool dies (link)
- Darth Vader and Star Wars Comics (link)
- Valve's VR Headset (link)
- Saudi Arabia gives award to cleric who stated George W Bush planned 9/11 (link)
- The Shaggs performing My Pal Foot Foot (link)

Don't forget we'd love your feedback via the website, Twitter or Facebook.