Weekend Water Skier Podcast

Weekend Water Skier Podcast

Radar Water Skis 2015 and Defy WaterFlight

March 14, 2015

Radar Water Skis and Defy WaterFlight
Radar Skis
At the Utah Boat Show 2015, I had the chance to talk with Chris Sullivan about the Radar Water Skis line for 2015. We focused on their Senate ski, Profile boot, and the coolest thing ever for girls on the water: the Total Radar Awesomeness for Girls.
Senate Lithium

The Senate is Radar's most popular ski for non-competition skiers. This year they gave the Senate the same treatment as the Vapor with a Lithium version. This started life as a limited edition ski, but pre-season sales were so popular that it is now part of their regular line-up. This brings the PVC core and carbon fiber construction of the Vapor to the Senate range, allowing weekend water skiers to get all of the advantages of a top-level competition ski in a slightly easier to ski shape.
Profile Boots

Continuing the trend of bringing their top technology down for the rest of us, Radar introduced the Profile boot. This is based on their Vapor boot, but is cut a little wider for more comfort. So, we can now get the feels-like-a shoe comfort of boots made foot specific cut. While the Vapor focuses on total control, the Profile aims to add more comfort for you and me.
Total Radar Awesomeness Girls

As the father of a girl -- who I want desperately to love skiing -- I am really excited about the new Total Radar Awesomeness for Girls ski. This brings a youth-specific ski design and puts a face on it that my daughter would love. I say "would love" because my family was out of town for the boat show, so my daughter hasn't seen this ski yet. But the hot pink and purple top plate, with strawberry scratch-and-sniff accent is something that will appeal more to her than a camo pattern meant for boys. This is the first performance ski that I've seen aimed at girls. While the different graphics won't make my daughter a better skier, having her want to ride a ski will. Way to go, Radar!
For more information on the Radar Water Skis line, visit their web site at www.radarskis.com.
Defy WaterFlight
There was some home-grown excitement this year as Defy WaterFlight introduced their new Jet Deck product at the Utah Boat Show.

Defy is a new, Utah-based company that is putting a new spin on the water flight industry. They have innovated a way to actually spin while flying behind a personal water craft. Their new product also makes it easier to learn this sport.

Defy has taken the standard one-axis product that was introduced a few years back, and added two more degrees of freedom, allowing you to move your feet in a full circle forward and back, and side to side. Their three-axis design lets you hold your balance better, avoid crashing as much, and opens up the door to a whole new range of tricks that you can do while flying over the water on a jet stream.

I've not had a chance to try this yet, but it looks like a major leap forward in a young new sport.
To get more information on Defy WaterFlight, visit their website at http://defywaterflight.com
Your Input
I hope that you've enjoyed the interviews in this episode of Weekend Water Skier. Please let me know what you thought, if you have more questions, or if you wish that I'd done something completely different. Leave a comment below to let me know.

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