Weekend Water Skier Podcast

Weekend Water Skier Podcast

Making Old Boats New Again

March 25, 2017

Making Old Boats New Again
With boat prices always going up, many boat owners are looking for ways to make an older boat seem new again. The cost of making your old boat look or feel new is less that you may think, and can really be dramatic.
Boat Wraps
At the Utah Boat Show in 2017 I stopped to talk with TBD Graphics. They do wraps for boats. As we talked he showed me a number of different wrap styles that people have put on their boats. These designs range from simple stripes and wave designs, to corporate logos, and full sponsorship packages. These wraps start under $1,000 and go up with complexity and bigger boat sizes. We discussed that they wrap everything from new boats when owners just want to stand out from the crowd to old boats looking for a new lease on life.
Prop Repair
For as long as there have been power boats, there has been propeller damage. I think that there are two rites of passage for new boat owners: trying to sink you boat by launching without the drain plugs, and damaging you prop somehow. If you haven’t done both of these, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve only skied behind a buddy’s boat.
So, as soon as you damage your propeller the first response is to look for a new one. However, there are companies who can repair your damaged props in most cases. As I spoke with Perfect Pitch Propellers, we talked about how they determine whether to repair or replace a propeller. I was amazed at how much damage they can repair for less than the cost of a new propeller.
If you live in Utah, Perfect Pitch Propellers is a great place to look after you damage your propeller. In fact, there’s a pretty good chance that your repair shop is sending your prop to them to get it fixed.
If you live outside of Utah, look around for your local repair shop. They can do amazing things to get your boat running like it did before you met that submerged obstacle.
TBD Graphics
Perfect Pitch Propellers
Background Music
Path of No Return by Lobo Loco on freemusicarchive.org or directly from their site at https://www.musikbrause.de/