Weekend Water Skier Podcast

Weekend Water Skier Podcast

Go Float Electric Boats

April 19, 2014

Go Float
I don’t know how many marriages or serious relationships have ended in a paddle boat, but I know mine nearly did a few years ago. I tried to share an experience that I had loved at an amusement park as a tween with my wife on a vacation. #fail. I don’t know if we were fighting currents in the ocean, or if there was algae wrapped around the propeller, but either way I got mad at her for not pedaling and she got equally mad at me.
I finally found the solution to save marriages at the Utah Boat Show this year. That’s right a marriage saver at the boat show.
In other words, if you surprised your significant other with a new boat this year, you may want to also add this to the surprise mix. It may just do the trick.
Go Float two seater electric sun lounge boat
I’m talking about the Go Float electric boat. These cute sun-lounges cum electric “paddle boats” are a great way to spend a leisurely afternoon off shore.  They cruise along at a leisurely five miles-per-hour for hours on end. So, instead of arguing about who is pedaling and who is not for five minutes before heading back to the beach, you and a loved one can escape from the kids and your responsibilities on shore while you slowly bake in the sun while the electric motor takes you away, like so much Calgon in a modern world.
What does this have to do with water skiing? Just about nothing. But I loved it. It was recommended as a tender boat for your houseboat or yacht. (For those lucky enough to have one of those.) In fact, it was set up alongside some of the larger boats shown this year for just that purpose. It could also be an alternative diversion at a lake house, much like a paddle board on a private lake.
So, the next time an argument threatens your marriage, head quickly over to Go Float to find a way to save it.*
Utah Boat Show
I hope that you’ve enjoyed the series of episodes from the Utah Boat Show. I certainly enjoyed bringing them to you.
Keeping with the relationship theme in this episode, you may want to consider the Utah Boat Show as a place to get a valentine’s gift for someone you love. You can find everything from $5 Scentsy candle (sold by a friend of mine) to a $500,000 yacht. Whatever your budget, there is something that will fit it.
Give me some feedback on what you thought of this episode in the comments section below.
*I am not a marriage therapist, and this recommendation has not been tested as a relationship aid. Your results may vary. (I know that mine certainly would.) Please consult a licensed therapist before applying this advice in your own marriage or long-term relationship.