The Web Video Marketing Show

The Web Video Marketing Show

Podcast Episode #20: Documentary Sales Videos

August 09, 2013

Today the Web Video Marketing Show is sitting down with marketing expert Sam Cook, the owner of Prism Communications. Ryan and Sam have recently traveled across America recording sales videos for Sam’s clients, and today’s podcast allows them to explain how they’ve mastered the art of creating great marketing videos.

When your clients are selling great products, but not interested in selling themselves, how can you effectively market their products? Sam and Ryan had to formulate a subtler way to market their clients. This podcast is a masterclass on the docu-drama format, and explains in-depth how to use e-mail and video to tell a serialised story.
Sam and Ryan discuss their interviewing techniques for getting the best out of their presenters.
Find out how passionate story-telling can market your clients, and how to build genuine trust with your interviewees to record better sales videos. Also, learn how to combine “testimonials, visuals, music and a call to action – in which the logical conclusion is the product”!
How long does it take to establish a “flow” with your presenter? How can you immerse the viewer in drama? What is the “Hero’s Journey”? Find out all this, and more, in today’s episode of the Web Video Marketing Show.
You can download our podcast directly from this link, or find The Web Video Marketing Show on iTunes.
Episode Notes
– Click here to buy “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, as discussed by Ryan and Sam.
– Click here to read more about Andre Chaperon’s “Autoresponder Madness”.
Ryan: Hi. This is Ryan Spanger. About 12 years ago, I started a video production company in Melbourne, Australia called, “Dream Engine”. Making videos is a huge passion for me. In this podcast, I’ll be sharing with you a lot of the ideas and techniques that I use in my video production business.
I hope you enjoy this show, and it gives you clear, actionable ideas that you can implement in your business right now to improve your web video marketing and build a stronger connection with your audience.
This is the “Web Video Marketing Show”. I’m your host, Ryan. I’m joined by my co-host, Nico. How you doing, Nico?
Nico: I’m very well, Ryan. As a matter of fact, I’m really happy that you’re actually back around the office at the moment.
Ryan: I’ve been away for a few weeks.
Nico: Can you tell our audience a little bit about what you’ve been doing overseas?
Ryan: I spent the last few weeks in the U.S.A. shooting documentary style, “Sales Videos” for a company called, “Prism Communications”.
Nico: Very interesting opportunity. Can you give me an idea of what the work actually entailed?
Ryan: In the U.S.A., I’ve been shooting series of documentary style sales videos for a company called, “Prism Communications”. We spent time with experts and coaches and film them, interviewed them, and captured their story and the story of their clients. These videos are going to be used in a series of sales videos to either promote their products or to encourage people to join an online forum.
The whole theory behind these videos which you’ll hear more about is that a lot of sales videos on the internet are quite sort of clichéd and a little bit sleazy, and that has its real hard sell, used car salesman kind of approach.