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Congressional Hearing On Google And Google Non Biased Against Conservative Websites

July 18, 2019

Google was in a hearing this week in congress around antitrust issues, so was Apple, Facebook and Amazon. Well, Congressman David N. Cicilline questioned Google on the Google's mission on getting people to go off of the search results page and on to a different site as quickly as possible. He then referenced a study Rand Fishkin published on SparkToro named As the Antitrust Case Against Google Kicks Off, Here’s Where the DOJ Should Start. This study basically shows that Google sends a surprisingly low percentage of clicks out of its search results pages to non-Google properties. Is Google in some way biased against conservative sites – especially in news? Some people believe this. This controversy has been growing over the last couple of years or so. This claim of bias started with the president but has even made it all the way to Congress. Today, Google will appear before Congress (again) and answer questions about these accusations of conservative censorship. The other day we reported that the Google My Business issues were reportedly fixed according to Google. Well, many local SEOs and businesses are saying this is not true. Google told Greg Sterling "all listings that were not visible have been restored." That might not be 100% true.