Episode 165 Teenage Ninja Turtles 3 Rocks!

May 17, 2017

Reunited after another break, the boys return to the microphones. Raf has returned from a weekend stay in the big house and the Cat has had a stay of execution, so he remains in California. Another outstanding fashion hits the mainstream, so of course Raf wants a manly Romper. Nothing like a German in an adult onesie! Kitteh once again questions humanity for their clothing choices, and seems to be quite hateful this week. WANHTPY finishes up the round of Explain a Film Plot Badly from the previous episode when it gets personal and someone is accused of loving Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 like it's a bad thing. Which it could be.

Dave image used with permission, courtesy of @ThatFrakkingCat
Episode description not written by @AvailableInADHD

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