Water In Real Life

Water In Real Life

Bonus Episode: The State of Communication and Water, Tarot Card Edition

September 19, 2021

You can't say we're not down to try new things. This was a fun one. We can't promise you an eye-opening communication or leadership takeaway but we can promise some legit entertainment. Would you believe we did a tarot card reading for communication's impact in the water industry? Yes, our dear friend and co-conspirator https://www.dukegreenhill.com/ (Duke Greenhill )(episodes https://www.theh2duo.com/waterinreallife/004-catalyst-mastermind-speaker-series-duke-greenhill/ (4),https://www.theh2duo.com/waterinreallife/65/ (65),https://www.theh2duo.com/waterinreallife/105/ (105)) took us on a journey. While tarot card readings are usually either punchlines or plot twists in movies, ours was actually pretty fun and meaningful to the work we do for the industry. Enjoy!