The Daily Warrior Podcast

The Daily Warrior Podcast

#166 - Jumping to Conclusions

May 04, 2018

the space…


Its really easy to jump to small step boxes… what you thought I was going to say was conclusions… and you would be right… it is easy to make assumptions and conclusions based on our previous experience it is what the brain is hardwired to do, that pre frontal cortex you have… that is essentially its job… but most of the time it isn’t being used in the way that nature selected it to be used, we live a different life than the native tribesman or the hunter gatherer… and our brain is essentially the same, just a 50,000 year old piece of hardware… sounds a bit pessimistic… but its not… we can do amazing things with this old thing… and some of that is dependent on what we do going forwards not looking backwards. That means that as the rules of the game change, it is less reliable to look backwards and more essential that we look forwards to what is occurring before us. This does not mean that we negate the lessons of the past, it rather means that we adapt to the future and take on new ways of thinking where out old ones failed… jumping to conclusions is one of those bad habits that just need breaking. And you can do it!


We are pattern seeking and recognizing beings, and it has helped us form the life that we know today, it is a great thing, but the irony is that we don’t seem to see the pattern that we think we have finally arrived… we laugh at those thinking the earth is flat and think about the Copernican revolution we know so much better now… and yet we still don’t know it all, yes we have penicillin and the internet, but does that mean that we have it all figured out… no, we stlll have our own flat earth myths to be busted… and our ways of thinking corrected… and just like the knowledge that smoking is bad came bit by bit until it was accepted we still have things that will take a while to filter down… so don’t feel to bad about it just keep an open mind. I believe that it really counts to be scientific and as objective as you can about your thinking… and the ideas that you internalize, because it is the filter that we see the world through.



So next time you are tempted to think you know it all and you already know what is coming take a Moment to pause and keep an open mind, be teachable, and flexible.