The Daily Warrior Podcast

The Daily Warrior Podcast

#165 - Knowing Value

May 03, 2018

Knowing value…


There are activities in life that steal away some of out most valuable things without us realizing..


It could be time,






And all this could leave you feeling drained and lackluster… it happens to all of us, we get sucked into things that we think have a certain value to us but yet when all is said and done we can help but feel a bit cheated by it.


This is a mistake in value… we believe that an activity has a higher value to us that it actually does,


Here is an extreme example, you want a wallet… so you decide to buy a few hundred dollars of materials and tools and start to learn how to make one… this is actually something I did… while it was fun to learn a new skill, there was a drain somewhere that I couldn’t put my finger on,


i could have out sourced my work to someone else, bought a really nice wallet online or in a store… and saved hours of time and hundreds of dollars… now it wasn’t all about that in my mind at the time, but ask me now what I would want to do and I would say have the time…


When you find the value of the things in your life that is a true representation of their worth to you, you can cut hours of time, effort and energy… you can outsource more effectively..


Here is a good benchmark…


If the value of your time is higher than the price of a product or service or activity that will help you buy that time back, then it is money well spent…


Everything has a cost…


only the currency changes, if you don’t trade in time, it will cost money, or effort or something else..


By learning the value of things in your life you can more clearly make these trades and decisions.