Wanted Hero™

Wanted Hero™

6 Tips Guaranteed To Prevent Writing & Publishing Failure

May 12, 2015



“Success will begin as soon as you stop comparing and accept how talented you actually are.
Seriously, you can DO this!”
You’re a brilliant writer.
No really, you are.
Just because people don’t know about you yet, doesn’t make that any less true.
…oh, and those who think you’re aren't brilliant, well…you can’t fix stupid.
Let ‘em have their opinion and...leave 'em where they stand.
(Trust me, it feels good.)
Now that you know you’re a brilliant writer (remember, I said so…and my opinion matters…cause I’m on your side) it doesn’t automatically mean you’re a brilliant published writer.
Did I just confuse you? Sorry about that.
What I’m saying is, have you short changed yourself during the process--from writing to publication?
[Tweet "Have you provided yourself with every possible advantage to succeed?"]
I ask because the truth is, you cannot actually guarantee your success, especially online…but you can increase your chances of success by doing specific things consistently.
Have you even thought about that?
No? Well then, you’re in luck—because I have and I’m here to help you.
This fat and happy author has been doing this for a long time now. Ten years, in fact—before the Kindle was even invented. I was making money two years before that cool little device came to our attention…by selling .pdf copies of the Wanted Hero comic book (grab a free copy and see what it looked like).

Why We Tend To Write
When you write a lot, you end up meeting others of like mind and talents. It’s a wonderful experience—conversing with people who love to write and create like you do. It can be quite inspiring.
When I started Wanted Hero many years ago, I was hungry to get feedback, to exchange ideas and to learn from those who had "been there" and "done that."
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wanted to create a story that would cause people to say, "That's one of the best epic fantasy series I have read this month/year/yet/ever..."
Want to hear something awesome? It happened!
A couple years after finishing both Prelude to a Hero and Race to Til-Thorin, a reader contacted me and said,
[Tweet ""That is the best epic fantasy series I have ever read!""]
My kids looked at me curiously as I giggled like a 15 year old girl who just got asked to the junior prom.
(Not…that it’s actually happened to me…of course…)
Have you had such an experience yourself?
(Fan mail...not being asked to prom...)
If you follow the information in this article, you're more likely to.
It was a special moment and exceptionally exciting for me as a writer. It’s what Wanted Hero is all about—creating a positive effect on readers through epic stories. It's what good stories do!
You know what else happened soon after? A family friend discovered my books in the local library!
(Double wow.)
This continues to grow. Over the past year, I've discovered my books in libraries, found them in schools and even had my sister in Montana call me and say that their librarian approached her--saying my books were the #1 requested and checked out series! I've been asked to teach at youth classes in communities, and a few weeks ago, was asked to attend and speak at an international conference, as well as attend one in Australia and another in the Netherlands!
(Triple wow.)
With these (and many other) experiences, I find myself wanting to give you some tips so you can achieve your own milestones and achieve the levels of success you want.

Tip #1: Avoid The Blind Leading The Blind
The first tip I want to share is, be careful.
There’s a lot being published and touted on blogs concerning this subject of publishing, especially on Kindle (KDP). Oftentimes the focus is to get your attention and to purchase a service of some kind.
(WARNING: I am going to plug one of my books at the end of this article...but you don't HAVE to buy anything! Just so you know. Wanted to be up front, ya know---so I wasn't a complete hypocrite