"You Don't Know Crazy"

"You Don't Know Crazy"

Don’t Forget the Good Things – YDKC43

November 19, 2013

Often, it is easier for us to recall the bad things or the things that didn't go right in our lives than it is to remember the good things.

I was feeling uneasy about some classes I wanted to take. After sharing my feelings with my daughter, I realized I was feeling uncomfortable with my decision to take the classes because I was associating this new adventure in my life with a similar old event that did not turn out good for me.

I followed some instructions in a book I was reading entitled, "Basic Principles of the Science of Mind" by Dr. Frederick Bailes. The author suggested that one make a list of all the good things one could remember.

I made a list of the good things in my life -- all the right decisions I have made -- all of the best compliments I have ever received. When I looked at my list, I smiled.

I believe you will smile too when you make a list of the good things and you see on paper all the things that you did do right -- or, have gone right in your life.

We experience more good than bad. However, the bad stands out in our memories more than the good.


Because of new projects I am involved with, I may not return with a new podcast episode until January. Much love to all and celebrate every day. Peace-
