"You Don't Know Crazy"

"You Don't Know Crazy"

Domestic Violence & Relationship Abuse, Go Away! -YDKC40

October 29, 2013

October is "Domestic Violence Awareness Month". I believe what we focus on we create more of. Therefore, I am not going to dwell too long on this topic at this time. However, I do feel that it is important for people to be aware that domestic violence and relationship abuse is prevalent and is a real challenge in our communities.

Also, understand that men as well as women sometimes find themselves in abusive relationships. An average of three people are killed in this country every day as a result of a domestic violence incident.

In this episode I address what I believe is the most asked question about domestic violence, "Why do they [the person being abused] stay?"

I also talk about what some of the warning signs are, the importance of paying attention to our gut feelings, and what I believe the solution to domestic violence and relationship abuse is.

I conclude by talking about the "PLAYER". Players don't hit women. They just play with them emotionally. Is this abuse?

Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233