"You Don't Know Crazy"

"You Don't Know Crazy"

Are Your Clothes Wearing YOU Out? YDKC37

October 08, 2013

Wambui talks about fashion -- and, how, worldwide, it is a $7 trillion a year industry. Fashion is not something you can choose not to participate in because in most places clothes are necessary.

She shares some of her views on fashion.

She talks about a book she read about a year ago entitled, "Killer Clothes" by by Anna Maria Clement, PhD, NMD, LN and Brian R. Clement, PhD, NMD, LN . They are co-directors of the Hippocratic's health Institute.

Wambui highly recommends the book and share information about "Killer Clothes" not to scare but to empower listeners by making them aware and more empowered and healthy consumers.

The book makes us aware of the amount of chemicals and toxins that are inn our clothes today.

She also talk about the effects that a bra and other constricting clothes could possible have on our health.

The two main topics/questions that are focused on are:

1. If we are what we eat, are we also what we wear?

2. What have we sacrificed for fashion?

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Wambui says, "Our bodies are our temples. Have fun with fashion and wear beautiful healthy garments like the royal beings that we are."