"You Don't Know Crazy"

"You Don't Know Crazy"

“Honor Those Who Are Not Present” YDKC36

October 01, 2013

I start off talking about how to deal with the 'craziness' of the US and World political scene. I talk about two things in particular.

1. Go out and check it out and research what is going on around you. Understanding the history -- the real -- history of events and things can empower one.

2. Go within. Study and know yourself.

I then speak on the topic: "Honor Those Who Are Not Present". This is a phrase I first heard Stephen Covey use when he was being interviewed by Tony Robbins some years ago. "Honor Those Who Are Not Present" is about dishonoring someone who is not present by gossiping or speaking negatively about them --- and, what does that say about the person speaking negatively?

I sum it up with a mention of how love is the key to nearly every thing wonderful.
