Waking Up In America

Waking Up In America

Loving the Homeless (with Sandy Griffin)

October 19, 2015

In this episode, I'm talking to Sandy Griffin who is a professional speaker, coach, author and tireless advocate for the homeless. We talk about living an authentic life, finding your gifts, serving others and the power of the red nose.

Season 2 - EP 31

Read full blog on Huffington Post.
Click here for full transcript.
Check out the highlights
7:17 - Believing the lies about ourselves
9:14 - How did it feel to found yourself with people who had lost everything?
11:45 - Quit trying to control everything
16:07 - Showing brokenness.
17:08 - "We fall into 'fine' and 'busy'... what does that really mean?
18:48 - Managing time, setting priorities - and what we are modeling to our children
20:41 - Red nose
22:13 - Performance by Trespassers - Under Jefferson Street Bridge
Love the Homeless - Lessons from Sandy Griffin
I’ve heard a lot about Sandy Griffin, a professional speaker, life coach, author and a tireless advocate for the homeless. I knew she was out there on the front lines daily, and I wanted to talk to her.

We met at a Radiant Health Institute workshop. Long after the talk she gave was over, her message stuck with me: “Find out who you are first before you go out to serve the world.”

Sandy has been dubbed ‘Life’s Cheerleader,’ but like all people who bring us joy, she understands suffering and is not afraid to show pain. If you hang around her long enough, she will pull two red noses out of her purse and hand you one, saying “You have to be able to laugh at yourself.” And you will be compelled to put one on your nose immediately.

She grew up in a family of twelve kids. She was a compulsive overeater for thirty years, and she’s survived cancer three times. When her marriage of twenty years ended in a divorce, she felt completely lost.