Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys | #99 | Using The Gift Of Fear To Get What You Want

May 04, 2018

Let's face it, we all have fear and we have varying degrees of it. There isn't a human on the planet that doesn't have fears, whether you're conscious of it or not. You need to realize that fear is a signal. It’s what tells you something’s not working. Fear is always about a thought or perception which is telling you that something’s not okay with your belief system. Many times, that fear is saying you’re jumping out of your box or you’re getting beyond your comfort zone, especially when you’re trying to move past the limitations that you’ve been living in. Be grateful for the gift of fear for letting you recognize where you’re holding back so you can move to the next level into living the life that you really want.