Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys

Waking Up With Esateys | #98 | Managing Self-Expectations And Trusting The Process Of Life

May 02, 2018

We all have expectations. It's easy for us to have expectations of other people, but what happens when we have expectations of ourselves? Our self-expectations most probably came from someone else along the line. Many times, we have not lived up to our own expectations, so how do you go about managing expectations? You have to realize that ultimately, the expectation is to have no expectations. When you have no expectations and you allow life to happen, it takes away your judgments and allows you to trust in the process of life and feel more peaceful. That's a big task for most people, but if you are willing to entertain that as a way of being and as a way of life, your entire life will change.