Volunteer Management Hot Topics with Susan J. Ellis

Volunteer Management Hot Topics with Susan J. Ellis

Latest Episodes

Continuous Learning Is Not Optional
March 30, 2017

Who knew volunteer management was so complicated? We did. First we need to learn the basics, but it doesn't stop there. We need to keep up to date and challenged. Think you don't have the time? Find (or make) the time.

Energize Turns 40!
February 27, 2017

Where did 40 years go? Susan reflects on Energize's milestone anniversary by sharing her observations on what challenges to the volunteer field have never changed, which have gotten worse, and which have gotten better. Do you agree?

Don’t Forget Volunteers as Part of the Solution to 2017 Nonprofit Challenges
January 30, 2017

Susan responds to The NonProfit Times' article, "Nonprofit Workplace Challenges Predicted for 2017," pointing out how volunteers can and should be integrated into any organization’s strategic planning to react to change.

Pride in the Volunteer Management Profession
December 29, 2016

How do you react when your executive requests something that you think doesn't make sense or may actually be negative for volunteers? Take pride in your professional knowledge and do your job: speak up for best practices.

When Things Look Dark, Volunteers Can Spark Lightning
November 29, 2016

This has been a year in which turmoil, violence, and uncertainty have affected too many parts of the world, often reversing social progress and opening deep divisions among people. Take heart: when things seem dark and cloudy, volunteers can be the bolts

What Volunteer Recruiters Can Learn from #GivingTuesday
October 27, 2016

Have you heard of #GivingTuesday? It’s a global fundraising event that connects to the pre-holiday shopping season. How can we link volunteer recruitment to this campaign? And what does it teach us about the fine art of “piggybacking” as a recruitme

Get the Most Support: Blending Money, Things, and People
September 30, 2016

Although critical, raising money is not the only way for an organization to support its work. Are you, as leader of volunteer resources, included in planning for fundraising so you can suggest possible non-cash avenues to obtain some of what's needed?

The Limitations of Seeing Volunteers Only as Unpaid Staff
August 30, 2016

Volunteers are not simply “unpaid help” to assist employees. The differences between employees and volunteers are major and strategic. Susan compares and contrasts both sets of workers in an attempt to show how treating them as the same except for lev

Clients Are a Talent Pool, Too
July 28, 2016

Most volunteer-involving organizations serve “people in need” through a charity model that often works, but can also be paternalistic and disempowering.  Leaders of volunteers can change the paradigm by seeing clients as people with talents as well a

Inform, and Wow, Everyone about Volunteers
June 29, 2016

It is critical to record and report information about volunteer service, yet organizations rarely see what is significant about volunteers. Get some tips from the model of July 4th fireworks and capture attention with great reports!