Voice of San Diego Podcast

Voice of San Diego Podcast

Latest Episodes

Covid's Deadly Political Divide
February 03, 2023

Throughout the pandemic, the political divide has been bitter and deadly.This week, Voice reporters finished an unprecedented review of death certificates from the second year of the pandemic, after the vaccine was released. They determined the demogra

'I Do Declare...'
January 27, 2023

The San Diego City Council voted this week to declare housing a human right in the city. The resolution didnt change any policies and isnt legally binding. So, what gives?This week, we discuss the declaration and grapple with implications it may (or ma

Bonus Rep. Sara Jacobs on Why We May Be Building Too Many Navy Ships (and More)
January 20, 2023

Its not something you expect to hear: A congressional representative from San Diego saying maybe the Navy has too many ships and maybe the defense departments budget is too big. But thats something Congresswoman Sara Jacobs will gladly discuss.As she

The Great Gas Stove Debate
January 20, 2023

Were cookin with gas! At least for now.This week, we review how we got here a time when pundits are debating what gas stoves mean to us as a society and whether the fumes they spout are harmful.This offers another moment when San Diego's policy has

San Diego Is 'Rising'
January 13, 2023

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria had the opportunity this week to lay out his plan for the city to explain where we stand and where we're going in his annual State of the City address.Gloria discussed the importance of law enforcement, the deadly rise of fe

How to Find Control While Homeless
January 10, 2023

LeviGiafaglione works for National Alliance on Mental Illness, serving unhoused San Diegans with tools and services they need to get care and housing.He understands keenly how unsheltered folks feel and how hard it is to find a way out, because he used

State of the City Preview
January 06, 2023

This week, we preview the State of the City address. Slated for next Wednesday, San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria will report to the entire city what his administration did last year and what's ahead.In this episode, we look back at old State of the City addre

Softball Star Maggie Balint Throws Heat
December 30, 2022

Maggie Balint was a star pitcher for San Diego State University last year and led the school to the Womens World Series. She was the Mountain West pitcher of the year.Throughout her career, college athletics have changed a lot. Players can make money on

Chris Cate, Out
December 22, 2022

Chris Cate was the last Republican elected official in City Hall.His successor, San Diego City Councilmember Kent Lee, serves District 6 and completes an all-Democrat Council (with Dem mayor Todd Gloria).Throughout his tenure, Cate says local leaders gr

What Death Certificates Revealed About Covid Year Two
December 16, 2022

This week, Voice journalists Jesse Marx and Will Huntsberry unleash an authoritative account of Covid: Year Two.Two years ago, we had to sue the county to gain access to county death records that mentioned Covid as a cause. Marx and Huntsberry led a team