Truth Intact by VLC

Truth Intact by VLC

How to Advance Your Life

January 11, 2015

Recorded: January 11, 2015

[author] [author_image timthumb=on][/author_image] [author_info]Pastor Michael Crentsil is the Associate Pastor for Victory Life Center. He was previously the heading Victory Faith Church but through prayer and obedience our ministries united. Weve been blessed to have him as a part of our team. He continues to encourage growth, deliver practical and spiritual resources, and has a genuine passion to see lives changed through Jesus Christ.[/author_info] [/author]

Ever wonder what it would take to move forward? When we find ourselves in a time of standstill, or even digression, we tend to ask ourselves how to keep from becoming truly complacent. Hear what wisdom Pastor Michael Crentsil has to offer in becoming progressive to move forward.