Virtual Pizza

Virtual Pizza

What happened to 2013? - VP014

January 25, 2014

In this week's episode 14 of Virtual Pizza:

Shannon provides some listener feedback
Entertainment news

NBC cancels Murder She Wrote reboot
The new trailer for season 2 of the fantastic Hannibal has been released
 The trend for TV shows based on movies continues with news of TNT bringing us a new show based on the Transporter franchise later this year, starring Chris Vance from Prison Break as Frank Martin. Also, Amazon have announced plans for a new show based on the 1960s Jane Fonda movie Barbarella.
Last played by Keanu Reeves, John Constantine is getting his own ‘Hellblazer’ show on NBC - no word yet on who will be playing this comic book role.
A teaser trailer for the new Steven Spielberg scifi series Extant, has been released.
Rumours of Batman vs Superman not being delayed after all

Exciting news for UK podcasters, Mike and Izabela Russell at Music Radio Creative are setting up a community specifically for UK Podcasters.
My highlights of 2013
Ben Spicer from The Command Line podcast shares his thoughts on The Hunger Games
Recommendation of the week: The Heavenfield - website, itunes link
News of new feature 'My Last Slices', where we need you, the listener, to share with us your last 3 slices of media. That can be movies, TV shows, books, podcasts, music, entertainment technology or anything else for that matter! 
Send us a recording to, or use the voicemail facility on the website, or just write it down in an email!