Virtual Pizza

Virtual Pizza

Goodbye to a Pioneer - VP013

November 14, 2013

This week in episode 13 of Virtual Pizza we cover the week's entertainment news, say goodbye to a pioneer, Ben Spicer from the Command Line podcast tells us why he loves his iPad Mini and Phil recommends some podcasts.

Last ever Blockbuster rental is the 2013 sci-fi comedy, This is the End
Angela Lansbury is not happy with the planned Murder, She Wrote reboot
The Monopoly 'Walking Dead' edition goes on sale

Amazon UK
Amazon US

Ray Dolby, the billionaire U.S. inventor whose name became synonymous with high-end home and cinema surround sound, has died.
Netflix and Disney announced that they’ve joined forces to develop a live-action “four series epic,†plus a “miniseries event,†based on a quartet of beloved Marvel characters.
Stuxnet, the world's most sophisticated malware worm, has spread to a Russian nuclear plant and even the International Space Station. For more on Stuxnet, I highly encourage you to watch this sobering TED talk by Ralph Lagner where he describes it as "a 21st century cyber weapon.â€

With a string of successful musicals on stages around the world based upon its brands, the Walt Disney Company is always looking for new stories it can turn into legitimate theatre. The latest movie to get the theatrical eyeball is The Princess Bride, which is now in the early stages of a trip to the boards.

How to make your own Harry Potter Butterbeer, from Starbucks:

A Crème Frappuccino base with whole milk. (2% or skim won't give the proper consistency)
Ask for 3 pumps of caramel syrup.
Add 3 pumps of toffee nut syrup.
Top with whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel.

Ben Spicer (Command Line)
Ben Spicer, host of the Command Line podcast, has kindly sent in an article on why he loves his iPad mini.

Twitter: @cmdlineco
iTunes link

Podcast Recommendations
Phil recommends 2 podcasts:

The Truth

Billing themselves as the creators of "short films without pictures", the producers behind this award–winning series of audio dramas record their work on location, improvise much of the dialogue and make a point of trying things that others wouldn't dream of.
I was struck by how professional sounding the production was, and with each episode only running at around 15 minutes, its become an addition to my podcast subscription list.

Snap Judgement

This long-running American podcast allows regular people who have lived through challenging, strange or painful experiences to tell their stories - often with fantastically emotive results. High production values combined with the quality of the guest speakers.