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Are You Good Enough? YES, You Are!

December 06, 2013

"But I don't know if my stuff is good enough or if people really want it". That is what I hear a lot from small business owners and new entrepreneurs. Sometimes an entrepreneur starts off with a burst of energy, excited about stepping out on their own and showing the world what they can do. Somewhere along the line, that confidence is tested by a mishap, misstep or failure. And many times it messes with their confidence making them wonder if they really have what it takes to be successful and to appeal to their ideal customer.

Join me as I share my own experiences with failure and ego-crushing incidents and how I pulled myself up and kept on trucking. I'll share common strategie to deal with an injured ego and build your confidence. I will even be sharing the late former South African President Nelson Mandela's greatest quotes that will keep any entrepreneur motivated and moving forward.