Victoria's Thoughts

Victoria's Thoughts

3: Accepting & Loving the parts of yourself that you've labelled "unworthy"

August 10, 2021

in this podcast, I delve into loving yourself fully- which means sitting with all of the parts of yourself that you have shamed, labelled unpresentable, denied, or been embarrassed of. I delve into being ashamed of past sexual experiences, having an anxious attachment style, and how I move through feelings of unworthiness when they arise. owning all of you- the parts you are ashamed of, too- is true embodiment. That being said, loving all parts of ourselves does not necessarily mean indulging in behaviors or past versions of ourselves that we don't feel are aligned with the lives we are looking to build- however, the key is loving and UNDERSTANDING these parts of you- deeply- and then letting them go, if you are no longer interesting in feeding them. hope you guys enjoy and if you do, leave me a review! :)