Day 4 Millionaire Brain

September 19, 2014

This is Day 4 and moving right along. This episode I will share a new inspiration that has found it's way into my world.

The need for joy. To exprience it in all forms. 

Re evaluating my life patterns.  Setting limits to my focused time on computer and the heightened desire to interact and really have fun with people.  Doing things that create the element of pure joy.

This work study is changing and a the feeling of a driven desire to make things work out for myself seem to be replacing a sense of inhabition.

Changing my own body chemistry with the thoughts I'm thinking.

Thanks for listening and being my witness to change. I'm doing this very selfishly for me and expecting that as I release my holds to a restrictive past you will do the same.

for more info on me or my work check out Vickers Tree