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TJ55 - Successful Facebook Campaigns: How To Design Funnels That Drive More Traffic, Leads and Sales ~ Keith Kranc
November 25, 2014

In my experience, there are two very different Facebook ads camps. The first camp are those who have tried Facebook advertising, but for whom it has not worked. The second camp are those who have tried, then honed their skills on the platform and are now

TJ54 - Facebook Targeted Ads Tricks That Deliver Leads For Less Than $1.00 ~ Laura Betterly
November 18, 2014

With over 1 billion users worldwide and relatively low ad costs, Facebook is easily the fastest way to reach a large target audience online without burning though bags of cash. But as with any other advertising platform over the internet, CPCs rise, algo

TJ53 - How To Learn Copywriting by Selling Rave Lights and Partying All Night ~ Neville Medhora
November 04, 2014

Neville Medhora first discovered the power of copy applying copywriting principles to his own business. He noticed when he sent out emails or wrote content for a page according to proper copywriting techniques, his products "magically" sold better. But it

TJ52 - Pareto Rule: 80/20 Law of Sales and Marketing That Multiplies Results ~ Perry Marshall
October 28, 2014

Fractals exist in every aspect of the universe, and yes, the rule works on sales and marketing too! 80% of your results come from 20% of your marketing, and of that top 20% of marketing, there's another 20% delivering 80% of those results. Keeping track

TJ51 - Facebooks Ads Secrets: Little Known 7 Step Formula for Effective Advertising in the Facebook News Feed ~ Curt Maly
October 21, 2014

With many brands experiencing lower than ever visibility it seems that advertising is a necessity if you want visibility in the Facebook News Feed. Getting started on Facebooks Ads platform is easy, but getting real results requires insight and an in dep

TJ50 -Authority Marketing: How To Leverage Major Media for Instant Impact in Any Niche with Brian Horn
October 14, 2014

Brian with James Reynolds on Traffic JamYou don't need to be the Jack of All Trade in your field of expertise for people to consider you as the resource person. There could always be someone out there who will be better than you in one aspect. Thinking s

TJ49 - Conversion Strategies That Transform Leaky Websites in to Websites That Sell ~ Peep Laja
October 07, 2014

OUR GUEST: Peep Laja is the face of ConversionXL, a highly regarded blog filled with well-researched and highly actionable content aimed at "smart people" who want to learn website conversion strategies, and generally improve their website's performance.

TJ48 - How to Guest Blog Effectively Using the Expanded Guest Post Formula ~ Bryan Harris
September 30, 2014

Getting your content in front of other people's audiences by guest blogging is a killer strategy without doubt. Appear on the right blog and you'll get more visibility and the potential for more targeted traffic and leads. But the problem is, most peopl

TJ47 - Website Launch Strategy: How To Kick Start Your New or Existing Blog with Corbett Barr
September 23, 2014

Every day 2 million blog posts are written (enough to fill Time Magazine for 770 years). Thousands of blogs are launched every day. The internet is awash with blogs, but very few of those blogs are blogs that matter. Truth is most bloggers launch to a de

TJ46 - Survey Funnels: The Simple Formula That’s Generated 2.8 Million Leads and 175,000 Customers For Ryan Levesque
September 15, 2014

Businesses all about us, possibly yours too, are vying for the attention of their prospects by shouting as loud as they can. Each business pushing the freeline, out doing one another with better and better offers. There's a lot of noise on the internet an