Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

Healing Graves and Hashimoto's Naturally

May 19, 2017

Ochie suffered from 52 thyroid disease related symptoms DURING her pregnancy and was diagnosed with Grave's AND Hashimoto's, along with Thyroid Eye Disease. In spite of her diagnosis, and hearing that her condition will only get worse over a period of time, she was able to do the impossible. She even stumped her doctors by doing it--getting BETTER during her pregnancy, instead of worse. In fact, she was able to finish her pregnancy absolutely medication free! Delivered her baby without drugs or complications, and now has... 41+ FEWER symptoms! And she achieved all that in ONLY 3 months! Here's how she did it, and how you can do it too. You can find us at: to learn how to achieve healthy hormones naturally as well. .