Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

Gwenn Kintyhtt Interview

November 03, 2016

Almost 6 years ago, Gwenn suffered from IBS, migraines, hypoglycemia, adrenal fatigue, panic attacks, food addictions and difficult pregnancies and labors. After having her first child, she was inspired to change her health and give her daughter a better life than she had. She began to seek and found what she was looking for.  Gwenn is  now absolutely disease free, and is full of energy--enough to run a business and to keep up with 3 of her children, who are under 5 years old.  She has dedicated her life to learning the truth about nutrition and discovering how we can best assist the body to heal completely and naturally from all disease. She is driven by the desire to give every child a chance to live thriving healthy lives. Gwenn Kintyhtt is now a holistic wellness coach. She studied physiology at the University of Washington.  She now works one on one with others to end emotional dependence on food. She also has a group workshop that guides women step by step to balance their blood sugar naturally and reverse Type II Diabetes. Her methods are not just about food but focus on healing the entire body, mind, and soul! PS: If you have a hormone imbalance and want to address it naturally, you can join my FREE Facebook group for support and guidance.