Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

Vegalicious | Get the Body and Health You'll Love

Can maca root help your hormone imbalance?

September 05, 2016

If you are suffering with a hormone imbalance you are constantly in search of that one thing that can make all the difference in the world for your health.  You go from doctor to doctor, hoping that one will finally be able to wave his magic wand and you walk out of his office with a clean bill of health.  When that doesn't happen, and chances are, that never happens, you start searching the world wide web, in hopes of finding even a crumb of hope that there is something in this Universe that might relieve your symptoms, and get you out of your daily struggle with your sense of helplessness and hopelessness, your inability to function or even think straight, and finally give you one thing that you want the most--feeling like your normal self once again.  I know the feeling all too well, because I used to be in your shoes.   After my hypothyroidism, infertility and a pituitary adenoma diagnosis, I was willing to try anything natural to save myself from the hormone imbalance hell.  That's how I came to hearing about maca root.  When I read about maca’s claimed ability to help balance hormones without negatively affecting them I had to try it.  I knew there would be no harm–it is a plant; so I had nothing to lose and much to gain, if it actually worked, so I decided to give it a go.  I was going to be my own guinea pig. Today I want to tell you what I learned in my experiment and via working with clients who used maca to help balance their hormones.  You can find transcript to this podcast, and a link to the Maca Team's site where you can get your maca root sampler at