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Vagina Chronicles Podcast » Podcast

073 – Cheating Myths and Murky Waters

August 23, 2015

Today, we're talking about cheating. Yes, it is an incredibly uncomfortable subject to discuss openly, but we're giving voice to a few of the reasons why it is such a touchy topic.

On the heels of the Ashley Madison (a website created to help married people cheat) scandal, with over 30 million subscriber's information being leaked, the state of relationships in the U.S. cannot be ignored any longer.

All relationships have troubled times. Having problems does not necessarily lead to infidelity and infidelity does not always happen in the name of discontent. Also, cheating does not have to be the end of your relationship. It is important to break down some of these myths so that a real discussion can evolve.

Please join us as we walk the fine line and try to peer into the murky waters of relationships that deal with cheating.

Listen To The Full Episode:

Mentioned in this episode:

Dr. Scott Haltzman
Cheating Myths Article (Btw, we DO NOT endorse in any way...we just believe these myths are important to share)

In the Comments:
Have you ever dealt with cheating? Did you and your partner work through it or did you separate? Share your thoughts in the Comments below.
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