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Vagina Chronicles Podcast » Podcast

070 – Why It’s Important to Let Anger Have Its Place

August 02, 2015

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On today's episode, we're delving into the emotion of anger.

Many people view anger as a negative, or "bad," emotion that means that they've somehow messed up on their journey of self-love, integrity, and compassion. The belief that anger is only a precursor to violence, hate, or hurting others can cause a lot of us to shy away from letting our natural feelings flow through us.

However, unexpressed anger doesn't just disappear - it can take the form of depression, frustration, apathy or many other debilitating states.

We know that learning to express anger can be confrontational. We get it. But we also know, firsthand, how letting anger flow can be the best clearing of "stuck" emotions that can be experienced.

Please join us as we share tips on how, as long as you aren't hurting others, you can use anger to fuel great things!

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 In the Comments:
How do you handle your anger? Share your thoughts in the Comments below.
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