Val's Bytes

Val's Bytes

5 Things You Need to do to Get Over a Break Up

May 05, 2015
Yes, today, I want to talk about how to get over a break up and, no, the comedian and I did not break up.  I thought of this episode in particular because recently I found out a good friend of mine, Joey Roberts, passed away on Monday morning.  When I broke up with someone back in 2004, he was one of the people that helped me forget that I was hurting.  I was lucky to meet some great people during that time in my life.  I will be forever grateful for his friendship.  You know how it goes that people are in your life for a reason or a season.  I sincerely feel he was in my life for that reason and I will never forget his great heart.
So here goes!
1.  Cry it out
It’s okay.  Let loose.  Turn off the lights in your room, pop in your favorite song to sing to and just cry it out.  You’re allowed to.  A friend of mine today said crying is meant to cleanse the soul.  So do it.  You are dealing with emotions here when you are breaking up with someone.  Don’t be a robot, you’re human and feel what you’re going through.  It will make you a better person in this process.
2.  Occupy your time
There are tons of things you did not do when you were in a relationship.  Including cooking something and hoping there was still some left in the fridge.  Now, you can take that salsa class you’ve been meaning to take or go on a food tour by yourself.  Or even travel by yourself.  Figure out a hobby and just do it.  All in all, it will help you become a more well rounded person.  Also, if you’re doing some salsa dancing, you’ll be burning off some of those calories.
3.  Figure out your mourning time
My friend Los says that for every month that you were together, you’re allowed to mourn a week for each month.  I mean, this is his rule but its nice to set some sort of boundary.  Say to yourself, “I’m going to give myself X time to get over this person.”  Be reasonable.  Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your relationship.  Give it time so that you can figure a way back to your old self.
4.  Get back to your old self
When you’re in a relationship, you become a couple.  You’re two people.  You do things together and sometimes you don’t plan things without getting the other person involved.  Now you broke up.  You’re alone and you need to be happy with yourself alone.  You know what they say, if you’re not happy with yourself, you can’t be happy with anyone else.
5.  Try, Try again
It’s okay, you were hurt.  You had a break up.  But now you’re over it.  You’re ready to move on to something bigger and brighter.  I know there is a bunch of negativity out there but just do it.  Figure out what makes you happy and if that’s finding love again, then let it happen.  Don’t fog up your head with negativity.  Be positive and great things will come.
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‘Til next time!