Valerie's Variety Podcast

Valerie's Variety Podcast

7 Chakras – What are these?

April 28, 2020

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Recently, yours truly got accepted into the spoken word world with my first Audio book live on Audible. Wicca for Beginners by Amelia Greenwood and now I have my second book finally produced. Chakras for Beginners by Crystal Gland. This production avenue is something I’ve been working towards for several months and I am quite excited to have been accepted into his world of voice reading and producing audio books.

So today I’ll share with you this newest book Chakras for Beginners, the Ultimate guide to balancing and healing your chakras, guided mindfulness meditation to open your third eye and radiate positive energy through reiki teachings (Vegus Nerve).

Welcome back to Valerie’s Variety Podcast with your host me, Valerie Moss the show theme for 2020 is EAT – READ – CREATE . The show drops every Tuesday. Follow me on Instagram @ValerieJMoss Pinterest @VJMoss Facebook @ValerieSwainMoss

Chakras for Beginners

Chakras For Beginners

As with the previous book Wicca for Beginners, I knew nothing about this nature based religion- this new book I was asked to produce was on a subject I’m also not well versed in either, Chakras for Beginners. This book is so interesting about breathing into your core chakras and clearing these so you can function openly in your mind and body chakra areas – there are 7. Do you know what a chakra is?

Chakras are the circular vortexes of energy that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column, and all the seven chakras are connected to the various organs and glands within the body. These chakras are responsible for disturbing the life energy, which is also known as Qi or Praana.


The author usually provides a description of what they are looking for like vocal style American accent, inspirational, male or female preference, and more detail perhaps with the genre. or someone who can perform – I’ve read this several times. I wish I did better in my drama class in high school.

So, the author for Chakras for Beginners found me – the process through ACX –

ACX is a marketplace where authors, literary agents, publishers, and other Rights Holders can connect with narrators, engineers, recording studios, and other Producers capable of producing a finished audiobook. The result: More audiobooks will be made.

can work this way also – very flattering when an Author reaches out to you among the 109, 065 producers available today – like how does that even happen? It’s funny tho as I’ve had several authors reach out with their wants, can you do this in 5 days or quicker – the formula for a 3 hour book ...