UW Medicine Pulse

UW Medicine Pulse

Latest Episodes

Eastside Specialty Center
July 13, 2015

A shiny new UW Medicine Specialty Center has opened just east of Seattle in Bellevue, Washington; making it easier for anyone living east of the city to get high quality care. On this episode of UW Medicine Pulse,

When Your Heart Skips A Beat
June 12, 2015

Your heart will beat over 100,000 times today! On this episode of UW Medicine Pulse we'll find out what happens when those 100,000 beats get disrupted and learn how UW Medicine physicians are working to manage those disturbances.

Why WWAMI Matters
May 01, 2015

Consistently ranked one of the top medical programs in the country; the University of Washington School of Medicine, not only serves students in Washington - but in 5 other states in the US. They're called the WWAMI states; Washington, Wyoming, Alaska,

Should We Still Be Having A Vaccine Debate?
March 25, 2015

Recognized as one of the greatest medical advances of our time, vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives since their introduction over 160 years ago. Yet there is resistance from some parents about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Today on th

Innovations in Men’s and Women’s Health
March 02, 2015

When it comes to men’s health and women's pelvic floor health, UW Medicine doctors and researchers are on the forefront of medical discoveries and treatments. This week on the show we explore everything from the belly button to the pelvic floor.

Revealing the Secrets of the Brain
January 05, 2015

What weighs roughly 3 pounds, has a hundred million times the processing power of an iPad and burns the same amount of energy as a dim lightbulb? That's right, the brain, the most complex organ in the human body, perhaps the universe. This week on the sho

December 01, 2014

This week on the podcast we take a look at Autism Spectrum Disorder. Though widely misunderstood, it's the fastest growing developmental disorder in the US. According to the CDC, 1 in 68 American children is on the autism spectrum–a ten-fold increase in

Turning the Tide on Diabetes
October 15, 2014

1 in 3 Americans has diabetes or is on the verge of getting this chronic and life changing disease. In this episode of UW Medicine Pulse, we focus on the different types of diabetes, what can be done to slow its progression and on the interconnected relat

Ebola Epidemic
August 29, 2014

This summer's outbreak of Ebola in West Africa is the deadliest in history. Spreading faster than the virus, though, is fear and misinformation. - On this episode of UW Medicine Pulse, we investigate the science behind this outbreak with UW Medicin...

The Heart of Stem Cell Research
August 04, 2014

Heart tissue is notoriously bad at repairing itself after a heart attack. What if scientists could use stem cells to grow new heart muscle in the laboratory and inject those new cells into a patient’s heart as a fix? Sound futuristic? On this episode