UW Medicine Pulse

UW Medicine Pulse

Dog Longevity

May 02, 2016

Dogs are our best friends. They live with us, bring us joy and unconditional love but unfortunately they don’t live very long. The average lifespan for dogs is 10 – 13 years. On this episode meet the researchers at UW Medicine who are setting out to change that! They’ve embarked on a new study using the drug rapamycin to elongate the most healthy years of a dog’s life. And they say, it could eventually work on people too.

Rapamycin – Learn more about the “wonder drug” that is being used to slow the aging process in dogs.
Clinical Trial – Is there evidence that rapamycin can delay aging and improve the health of older dogs?
Dog Aging – Will the knowledge gained by both Dr. Promislow and Dr. Kaeberlein’s studies someday translate into anti-aging medicine for humans?