| with David Andrew Wiebe & Maveen Kaura | with David Andrew Wiebe & Maveen Kaura

Latest Episodes

033 – Reviewing Products for Fun and Profit
April 03, 2017

Did you know reviewing products can be profitable? That’s the wonder of affiliate marketing. Of course, it’s also something you can do just for fun. In this episode of Using Your Power, David Andrew Wiebe and Maveen Kaura discuss the lighthearted subje...

032 – Death
March 27, 2017

What happens when we die? What is the significance of death? What attitude should we have towards death while we’re still living? In this episode of Using Your Power, David Andrew Wiebe and Maveen Kaura discuss the different attitudes towards death in ...

031 – How to Organize Your Work Space
March 22, 2017

Do you need tip on how to organize your work space and or office? Does it seem like your whole office is a mess? Is it time for you to get on top of your work, instead of letting it run your life? In this episode of Using Your Power,

030 – The Corrupt Banking System
March 20, 2017

Is the banking system trustworthy? Who runs the banks? Are banks interested in helping you or not? Who is getting rich off of you? In this episode of Using Your Power, David Andrew Wiebe and Maveen Kaura explore why the banking system is corrupt.

029 – Your concept of God determines your attitude towards life
March 15, 2017

God, What do you believe about him or her? Did you know that your concept of God – however you conceive of it – determines your attitude towards life? Is it possible to change what you believe? In this episode of Using Your Power,

028 – Discussing How to Amplify the Power of Your Mind
March 13, 2017

Can the power of your mind be amplified? Is it possible to access dark matter and unlock the hidden powers of your brain? How can you access these resources when you need them? In this episode of Using Your Power,

027 – Specialist, Generalist, or Hybrid
March 09, 2017

Are you a specialist, generalist or hybrid? Do you know what your strengths are? In what role could you see yourself thriving in? Do you enjoy knowing a lot about a little, or a little about a lot? In this episode of Using Your Power,

026 – Outside-The-Box Thinking: How & Why
February 27, 2017

When you encounter an obstacle, what’s your first instinct? Do you come up with many solutions to the same problem, or do you act out of desperation? Do you consider things from many angles instead of just one? In this episode of Using Your Power,

025 – Getting back to your 2017 goals
February 22, 2017

Have you abandoned your 2017 goals, or are you still tracking with them? Do you feel like you’re achieving what you set out to do, or are you having trouble making progress? In this episode of Using Your Power,

024 – Time and Money
February 20, 2017

What do you do when you have time but no money? What about the opposite? What if you have no time and no money? In this episode of Using Your Power, David Andrew Wiebe and Maveen Kaura explore how to take control of your most valuable personal resource...