The Unified Republic of Stars - A Sci-Fi World Building Podcast

The Unified Republic of Stars - A Sci-Fi World Building Podcast

Latest Episodes

1.9 - A Short History - The Second Republican Defensive
November 02, 2014

Earth invades again! But now the planets have formed a new alliance in the form of the Unified Republic of Stars. But will this new government and the Republican Fleet be enough?

1.8 - A Short History - The Fleet, The Republic, and The NOVA
October 26, 2014

This week, three major topics being discussed on the podcast! First, the question of defense. Then, the question of self governance within the colonies. And last, the creation of the most mighty battleship ever built. But will any of it be enough?

1.7a - Supplemental - Economics
October 22, 2014

Just a short episode in which we discuss a force that has been driving the brewing conflict between Earth and her colonies up until this point and, which, has hardly been mentioned. So we will. And this time, we're talking about economics.

1.7 - A Short History - The First Republican Defensive
October 19, 2014

This week, Earth invades the colonies, attempting to take two of the major planets. They don't succeed, this time, but unless the colonies get their act together, they see that it's possible Earth might the next time.

1.6b - Supplemental - Ship Terms & Navigation In Space
October 12, 2014

We've been mentioning shippers since the beginning. But, with this supplemental, we'll be explaining some of the terms they use. Also, we'll explain how people navigate in deep space. These things will be important for future episodes when we get deep int

1.6a - Supplemental - Communications
October 12, 2014

The Authority has already placed troops on Galileo. And, now that the colonies have declared their independence, everyone assumes it's only a matter of time until they try again. So how would they coordinate a response? In this supplemental, we discuss no

1.6 - A Short History - Revolution
October 12, 2014

Revolution! When the colonies and Earth go from passive aggressive to actually aggressive. This week, we go into the events in which led up to the actual revolution of the former colonies against Earth.

Podcast: 1.5a - Supplemental - Maybe The Best Era
October 05, 2014

It's not easy to boil down an entire history to a point in time and say, "That. Right there. That's my favorite point in history." And yet... the colonization era really appeals to me for several reasons. Partly because it's the only stateless period with

1.5 - A Short History - The Seeds of Discontent
October 05, 2014

This week, I discuss the events leading just up to the first real rebellion by Earth's colonies in the Colonial Star Cluster and the human home world. Reasonable people can disagree as to whether these were reasonable causes to engage in rebellion but, at

1.4 - A Short History of the Unified Republic of Stars - Chapter 4
September 28, 2014

This week, I base the episode on Chapter 4 of A Short History of the Unified Republic of Stars titled "The Growth Explosion". We go into how the population, between 2106 and 2172 grew from almost nothing to 500 million people many of whom had no allegianc